How to Take Care of Your Hair, Skin, and Nails for a Healthier Lifestyle

How to Take Care of Your Hair, Skin, and Nails for a Healthier Lifestyle

The pandemic has taught us that we should all be taking our health more seriously. From hygiene to lifestyle habits – everything we do affects our body and, potentially, the bodies of those around us.

Which means that it’s our duty to treat our bodies with the respect they deserve. From choosing to eat better to taking time to exercise, there are plenty of ways we can incorporate better habits into our life.

But one area that too many people neglect is their hair, skin, and nails. These precious parts of our body are a true reflection of our inner health. So if our hair is brittle, skin acne-filled, and our nails are chipping – that’s a sign of poor health.

So let’s go over some lifestyle habits we can get into to promote our overall wellness – inside and out.

Tips to live a healthier lifestyle

Just remember, these are general tips to promote healthy hair, skin, and nails. They might not be the only solutions for every person. What’s most important is that you take the time to take care of yourself. So do what is right for your and your body.

Drink plenty of water

One of the biggest skin problems people have is caused by a lack of hydration. Dehydration causes wrinkles, loss of energy, headaches, a lowered immune system…The list goes on.

Depending on how much physical activity you get – as well as the weather – most doctors recommend around 2 liters of water every day. But of course, if you’re big into sports or you’re outdoors often, then that may need to increase.

If you’re a frequent under-drinker, try using a graduated water bottle. This way you can physically see if you’re hitting your daily dose of skin-refreshing water.

Use a silk pillowcase

This might be a huge cause of skin irritation you haven’t thought about – your pillowcase.

Our skin and hair naturally produce oil over time. But if that oil builds up, it can cause irritation and infections. And since your face and hair are directly pressed into your pillow for 8 hours a day – that can end up being a lot of oil buildup.

Silk pillowcases are known to absorb considerably less dirt and oil when compared to cotton. So when you lay your head down at night – it’s not rolling around in the night before’s grease.

So use silk pillowcases and make sure to change them at least once a week. Your skin will thank you.

Turn the heat down

Whether you’re using straighteners, curling irons, hair dryers, or just hot water in the shower – you might be causing more harm than you realize.

High temperatures will take a serious toll on your hair and skin health over time. It can harm the naturally occurring collagen, cause inflammation, and cause dehydration.

All 3 of those lead to brittleness when it comes to your hair, skin, and nails.

So if you want a healthier lifestyle – turn down the heat and always use heat-protecting creams.

Take supplements

Since most people aren’t getting all the vitamins and nutrients they need – dietary supplements are a perfect way to make sure that your body is nourished and taken care of.

One of the most common deficiencies is collagen. But luckily – it’s also one of the easiest nutrients to find for your body.

You can collagen supplements in the form of tablets, powder, gummies – and they’re all a fantastic way to provide for your body. It promotes firm skin, shiny hair, and unbreakable nails.

Take time to relax

One of the most important factors – take time to relax and destress. Considering stress is one of the worst causes of wrinkles, hair loss, and poor health, it’s absolutely vital to take time to unwind.

Don’t underestimate the dangers of stress to your health. Treat yourself to some relaxing moments to support your mental and physical health and your outward glow will reflect that.

Make sure to take care of yourself

You only have one body. Make sure you’re doing everything you can to promote a happy and healthy lifestyle that feels right for you.

And while healthy might look different for everyone – you’re sure to find at least one lifestyle habit that you can add into your routine here. From taking time to practice some mindfulness to taking collagen supplements – your habits define your health.

Live the life of health you deserve.

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