3 Benefits of Collagen Dietary Supplements

3 Benefits of Collagen Dietary Supplements

You’ve seen it on TikTok, seen ads for it everywhere, heard your friends rave about it… but what actually is collagen?

Collagen is one of the foundational building blocks for your body. It keeps your skin tight, keeps your muscles strong, and gives your hair and nails that youthful glow.

Without it at all – we’d all be a pile of jelly. But as we age, we start to produce less of it – and that’s where we see some unpleasant signs. Which is exactly why collagen dietary supplements are such a great idea. So let’s go over some of the 3 biggest benefits of your favorite powdered protein.

The 3 most important benefits of collagen dietary supplements

Quick note – this is by no means an extensive list of all of the benefits. There are so many that we’d need more than just a quick article. So we’re going over just some of the most important ones for health, beauty, and wellness.

Improve skin elasticity

This is one of the most obvious benefits of collagen dietary supplements – stronger, healthier skin.

Elasticity refers to the stretchiness and strength. So when you pull or move your skin, does it go back in place? Collagen is what makes that happen. And as we age – we start to lose collagen and some of that elasticity disappears.

In other words – lack of collagen = wrinkles.

Because every time you smile, squint, or make any facial expression at all – collagen is responsible for helping that skin move and go back to its original smooth appearance.

And taking dietary supplements of collagen is a great way to increase your body’s ability to keep your skin smooth and youthful.

Prevent joint pain

Just like collagen keeps your skin connected wonderfully – it does the same with the tissues inside your body.

As these connective tissues start to weaken over time, that causes your joints to become irritated, bruised, and inflamed. So if you don’t have enough natural collagen in your diet – you can face some serious bone and joint pains as you age.

So collagen isn’t just about keeping your outer self looking fantastic – the inside matters, too.

Strengthen hair and nails

Just like your skin needs collagen dietary supplements to stay firm and smooth – your hair and nails need them to avoid becoming brittle.

One of the main reasons your hair becomes brittle and your nails break easily is because of a lack of collagen. Since these two parts are completely held together by strands of collagen, you might need to take supplements to support your health.

A recent study found that oral collagen supplements improved nail growth by 12% and showed a 42% decrease in the frequency of broken nails. These collagen peptides were found to serve a vital role in your hair and nail health.

And that strength from the collagen is what helps give them that natural shampoo commercial glow. That brightness comes directly from collagen’s ability to improve hydration and shine.

In the end, keeping your body healthy and happy is one of the best ways to maintain your natural beauty and glow.

Go for premium

Collagen serves a vital role in your overall health. If you’re not getting enough of it from your normal diet, then it’s crucial to take dietary collagen supplements that support your overall wellness.

Make sure to choose supplements with a proven effectiveness and premium formula. If you want to nourish your body – make sure you choose the right supplement.

At Dose & Glow – we only offer premium supplement products that give you that natural glow you need. Choose the collagen supplement you need to promote a healthy lifestyle.

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